The new pitches have now been dug out and the base has been laid. The back of the pitches will have chestnut fencing and at the side of the road will be gabian baskets to hold up the bank on the other side as there was a 4 ft difference in levels!!
These pitches have a slight slope to them so we have decided while we are digging holes we might as well make these level. This middle section will now be sinlge hardstanding superpitches. We are also moving the road into the centre to create a wider space.
These were slighly sloping pitches and we have decided while we are excavating we will make this section level and upgrade them to hardstanding pitches with their own water and greywaste drainage point so they will be ideal for Motorhomes
Pitch 97 has been upgraded to a super hard standing pitch and is lovely and spacious, it is also close to the amenties so it is ideal if you want to be close to the toilet block.
We are really pleased with the progress of Meadow Bluebell it is really taking shape now!
The new turf has now taken and alot more guests are using these pitches. They are all commenting on the peacefullness of this area and abundance of wildlife and are loving the new ducklings!! We also have baby moor hens in the stream!
The showers were very modern and spacious, we were very impressed with them as they looked nothing on the outside! It was a nice surpise to go inside and find them to be very modern, as we really didn't know what to expect as they had come all the way from Birmingham and we hadn't the time to go and view them!
Our planning for new hard standing and superpitches and a new toilet block was finally granted in 2010. During the winter we managed to develop the area for the pitches, but then the weather turned against us and we were unable to build the new toilet block, so we hired temporary units for the 2011 season.